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Notarial will, as a testament of the highest proof of a will. Our country has relevant laws for regulation. So, do we need to bring witnesses when we notarize a will? How many witnesses do you need? Today, let's talk about the relevant provisions of witnesses in notary will in detail for you, and hope to answer your questions.

How many witnesses are needed to notarize a will

There is no need to bring witnesses when a will goes to a notary office for justice. A notary is a witness. A just person needs at least a notary and an assistant. So you need at least two witnesses.

2. Notarize a will

The so-called notary will refers to the will made before life and notarized by a notary office. A testator may, to the extent permitted by law, make a personal disposition of his estate or other affairs in a manner prescribed by law, which takes effect at the time of the testator's death. The ways of making a will by a testator are written will, written will, oral will, notary will, etc., of which notary will has the highest evidentiary power.

The contents of a notarized will

(1) the testator's name, sex, date of birth and address;

(2) the status of the property disposed of by the will (name, quantity, location, and whether it is jointly owned, mortgaged, etc.);

(3) specific opinions on the handling of property and other affairs;

(4) If there is an executor, the name, sex, age and address of the executor shall be stated;

(5) the date on which the will was made and the signature of the testator.

A will should generally not include anything other than the disposition of property and the handling of matters after death.

Fourth, notary will precautions

1, for the notarization of the will, the testator should personally go to the notary office to handle, can not entrust others.

2, the testator should be clear, can truly express their own meaning, free from coercion or deception.

3, the original has been notarized in the notary office, now want to change or revoke the original will notarization, should submit the original will notarization certificate and go to the original notary office.

4. After the death of the testator, the testamentary heir shall take the notary certificate of the will, the death certificate of the deceased, and his identity card to this office to notarize the right of inheritance.

If the beneficiary of a will is not among the legal successors, it is the legatee. The legatee must come to the Registry within two months after the legatee becomes aware of the legatee to have the declaration of acceptance notarized.

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